Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Araki VS Lady GaGa - 兩個怪誕的撞擊

能讓Lady GaGa 脫成這樣+困綁成這樣,大概也只有Araki...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Araki Nabuyoshi - 荒木經惟



Arno Rafael Minkkinen

無意中在798的東磊影像畫廊的書架上翻到了這本畫冊。攝影師是Arno Rafael Minkkinen。The first reaction I had for his work is "WOW! It's so beautiful!" Arno 說到:地球是世界的教堂,從很久很久以前我們就是原始自然,樹,天空,水,的一部分。It is so zen yet romantic. 

Arno's work gives me great inspiration since I want to shoot a series of loving hands. He has exceptional concept in composition. And how he merge the natural and human makes the pictures so peaceful yet 還會讓人有會心一笑的感覺。我想那是對他對世界的感官的認同吧!

Here are some of his photos:

Friday, December 4, 2009

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

Had a chance to walk around Beijing with my good photographer friend, South. Three Shadows Photography Art Centre gave me a WOW factor. Not only the scale of it, but also the architectural design, space, and the exhibition. 

This month exhibition is WATW, We are the world, photography from China and the Neverthelands. Generally, it talks about how the world is changing due to excessive human consumption. 
This is another exhibition which I quite like. Its called the "red pole". It has the visual catch. 
The library is full of books on photography. Some of them are even 絕版, you need to become a member in order to read them. 
The cafe is on the right hand side of the building, which South and I saw the owner, Rong Rong, and Inri. 
This studio belongs to Rong Rong and Inri. I think it is any photographers dream. Rong Rong is Chinese and Inri is Japanese. This is the first time I know about them. I presume they both enjoy the freedom they have in their work because they have a lot of fascinating nude work. Another day to open my eyes. 


Thursday, December 3, 2009


2009的大小事都讓我非常難忘,不知道是否人過了30以後所有的一切都變的複雜化,還是因為當自己選擇開始對自己的生命負責任的時候,各個難關就接踵而來。各種的事物不斷的發生,讓我覺得到自己是活著的,因為我有好多的感覺。感覺到朋友的支持,自我的堅持,家人的改變,生意的突破,政治的複雜,甚至於世界的不穩定。如果自視清高,活像個不沾鍋,放下所謂的執著,人生可以簡單很多。但當面對這些考驗,自己卻跟自己說,“唉,我比這些人都高,幹嘛跟他們瞎攪和!” 那這算不算是逃避?

2009 為立場改變之年,立場的改變是自己成熟了,或自己身不由己,自己心中有把尺,心知肚明。我欽佩中國人的中庸之道。所謂唯天下至誠,為能盡其性。能盡其性,則能盡人之性;能盡人之性,則能盡物之性;能盡物之性,則可以贊天地之化育;可以贊天地之化育,則可以於天地參也。如果世界人能夠摒棄眼前的物質,做到這一點點所謂的中庸,我想世界將與現在大所不同。可惜的是人類的愚蠢,我想大家都明白啊... 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Falcon Maltese

The super yacht, Falcon Maltese, is simply the dream of any yacht/sailboat lover. It is one of the largest privately owned sailing yachts in the world at 88m. It's beyond anyone's imagination of any craftsmanship. It comes with a price tag of 300 million USD. My friend said you can buy a portion of midlevel in HK. I should mark it down on my wish list. 

Thursday, November 5, 2009

first prints from photocrafters

These are couple of my first images from the darkroom. These photos took me hours to get it right and I feel I have accomplished a lot by producing these images. Of course... this is just the beginning! Simon asked us to shoot something black and something white. I went to the pier and took the Princess Cruise. And here it goes.
The second image I took on the day before I head into the class. It is a good subject because it trains me on how to bring out the details from the shadows. 
This is the contact print. Although it is a bit like lightroom the software. But when I can actually hold on to this contact print, I feel I actually own this images rather than having them on the screen. Maybe it is just me. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A positive marriage



Friday, October 30, 2009

Photos taken

Had a chance to take photos in Tony's upper deck. The session took about 2 hours. Shot it with a G10 canon. Picture quality is not the best, but we like the pictures. Well, I prove my point, you don't really need a good cam to take good picture. =)

P.S. you just need a good model. Ha...