無意中在798的東磊影像畫廊的書架上翻到了這本畫冊。攝影師是Arno Rafael Minkkinen。The first reaction I had for his work is "WOW! It's so beautiful!" Arno 說到:地球是世界的教堂,從很久很久以前我們就是原始自然,樹,天空,水,的一部分。It is so zen yet romantic.
Arno's work gives me great inspiration since I want to shoot a series of loving hands. He has exceptional concept in composition. And how he merge the natural and human makes the pictures so peaceful yet 還會讓人有會心一笑的感覺。我想那是對他對世界的感官的認同吧!
Here are some of his photos:

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