Lying down on the surgical table the nurse put eye drops to numb my eyes. Then the doctors use a opener to yank my eyes so I won't blink. On top of my head is a machine about a size of my head with 3 strong flash light beaming to my eyes. In the center, there is this green light and red light flashing. When the doctor lower this unit, there is this tentacle that make contact with my eyes sucking up my corneas so they pop out. Then, within the unit, there is a slicer that will slice the popped out cornea and make this opening called "flap". At this stage, I could see everything. But, when the Dr. flipped my cut cornea. I CAN'T SEE SHIT. This is the most SCARY PART!!! I actually felt I was on a space ship... because all I can see were million dots of green and red. It was insane!
I got my lasik + custom vue in Beijing Intech Eye Hospital, and it cost me 8,500 RMB. It is fairly cheap! In Hong Kong, it will cost around 28,000 HKD. I am glad that I still can see tho... I have 1.2 for both eyes now. =) For those who are thinking about lasik... Think twice.
I got to wear protector after the surgery. That is my Ultraman look...

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