拋開第一志願,將我的注意力轉移,居然幸運的在這麼短時間內發現我的第二春 ﹣ Buffettology。我這個投資年齡不到 18 個月的菜鳥,能碰上這樣大師級的人物,真是我幾輩子換來的福氣。起初我對投資股票的長期概念是跟巴爺爺類似的。但這幾年市場非常的好,基本上買什麼都賺錢。我的基金平均也曾高達 100%。受不了市場先生的誘惑,我就挺而走險,無知的進入股市。剛沒進去沒多久,就碰到美國次按問題。股市三天就崩了3,000多點,我的消息股從此一厥不振。這進進出出,花了我三個月。我的回報率是 0%,白忙!我相信我的經驗是跟很多散戶雷同的。拋棄我的原則,是我錯的第一步,沒做功課是第二步,跟消息股,看指數進出,聽技術分析...等等,我真的是錯到媽媽都不想認。11月份我就把所有股票都賣掉,從此發誓不做冤大頭。
沒跌過跤怎麼會走路呢?I began my quest on searching my mentor. 第一次看爸爺爺的書就覺的很震撼。世界第二大首富,公司就14個人,5分鐘做 buyout,Berkshire股價 140,000 USD/share,40年每年平均22%的回報!OMG! 發現新大陸了!爸爺爺的理論,簡單明瞭,連小孩都懂。我一連買了4本有關爸爺爺的書,決定給他好好的研究一番。Being Warren Buffett... 我現在是小巴菲特迷!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
人的一生中充滿了矛盾,經常性的掉入選擇題。要或是不要,愛或是不愛,去或是不去,一些雞毛蒜皮的事,卻會讓人爆炸。在很多人看起來簡單的事,自己做起來卻是如此之難。索性,人命在天,不管事情怎麼喬不定,命運總是會推你一把,仿佛告訴你 “此地無銀三百兩!別在這耗了!“ Personality defines future ﹣ 往往自己就是那最後一根稻草。喜歡將責任往身上攬的人,終就要活在眾人的期待之中。是幸福是悲哀?百思不解!幸福的是,自己的存在能為別人帶來所謂的快樂;悲哀的是,自己到底是為誰而活?選擇前者或許能帶來莫名的滿足,但放棄自己的夢又是何等的狗熊?心中的掙扎又有誰能懂?萬萬沒想到自己能在自己的腦子裡劈腿!陰陽不協調,難怪活著天天吐血!知道自己要什麼的人,你們要知足!你們是何等幸福的少數民族!
就這樣嗎?不如把所有東西都給扔了,自暴自棄。別!就如朋友說的,把他當做一個過程。 Season II is coming, before you know it.
就這樣嗎?不如把所有東西都給扔了,自暴自棄。別!就如朋友說的,把他當做一個過程。 Season II is coming, before you know it.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
BiBi my dog
Friday, November 16, 2007
choices choices choices
Been spending time in Beijing for the past two weeks. It was a lots of fun meeting people who I haven't met, places I haven't been, and food I haven't had for a long time. But most importantly, I had chances to share my dream with friends who helped to make decision for my future.
During these two weeks the idea of going to LCF had been driving me insane. It is SO HARD to make a decision! I've got one hand which urges me to pursue my passion and the other hand have loads of responsibilities that are hard to leave behind. What's funny is, no matter where I go, I sense 所有的人事物都在給我暗示. I talk to friends, friends are all telling me to go after my dream. I go to KTV, 張震嶽就唱 "活在世界上就是要對得起自已 說起來簡單 做起來比自殺還難." I read a book, Warren Buffet says "there is nothing better than 做自己熱愛的工作." It seems the whole world is super charging me with courage to do what I want. Or am I 自欺欺人, just seeing what I want to see?
孔子曰:「三十而立」,就是個體到了三十歲應該就有其既定的人生方向,並準備展翅高飛. Guess how old am I now?
During these two weeks the idea of going to LCF had been driving me insane. It is SO HARD to make a decision! I've got one hand which urges me to pursue my passion and the other hand have loads of responsibilities that are hard to leave behind. What's funny is, no matter where I go, I sense 所有的人事物都在給我暗示. I talk to friends, friends are all telling me to go after my dream. I go to KTV, 張震嶽就唱 "活在世界上就是要對得起自已 說起來簡單 做起來比自殺還難." I read a book, Warren Buffet says "there is nothing better than 做自己熱愛的工作." It seems the whole world is super charging me with courage to do what I want. Or am I 自欺欺人, just seeing what I want to see?
孔子曰:「三十而立」,就是個體到了三十歲應該就有其既定的人生方向,並準備展翅高飛. Guess how old am I now?
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Dont mess with my Cornea!!!
Phew~~~ that was close. I thought I could have lost my sight!!! Lasik is one god damn scary operation. It is scary because it involves slicing your cornea when you are awake!

Lying down on the surgical table the nurse put eye drops to numb my eyes. Then the doctors use a opener to yank my eyes so I won't blink. On top of my head is a machine about a size of my head with 3 strong flash light beaming to my eyes. In the center, there is this green light and red light flashing. When the doctor lower this unit, there is this tentacle that make contact with my eyes sucking up my corneas so they pop out. Then, within the unit, there is a slicer that will slice the popped out cornea and make this opening called "flap". At this stage, I could see everything. But, when the Dr. flipped my cut cornea. I CAN'T SEE SHIT. This is the most SCARY PART!!! I actually felt I was on a space ship... because all I can see were million dots of green and red. It was insane!
I got my lasik + custom vue in Beijing Intech Eye Hospital, and it cost me 8,500 RMB. It is fairly cheap! In Hong Kong, it will cost around 28,000 HKD. I am glad that I still can see tho... I have 1.2 for both eyes now. =) For those who are thinking about lasik... Think twice.
I got to wear protector after the surgery. That is my Ultraman look...

Lying down on the surgical table the nurse put eye drops to numb my eyes. Then the doctors use a opener to yank my eyes so I won't blink. On top of my head is a machine about a size of my head with 3 strong flash light beaming to my eyes. In the center, there is this green light and red light flashing. When the doctor lower this unit, there is this tentacle that make contact with my eyes sucking up my corneas so they pop out. Then, within the unit, there is a slicer that will slice the popped out cornea and make this opening called "flap". At this stage, I could see everything. But, when the Dr. flipped my cut cornea. I CAN'T SEE SHIT. This is the most SCARY PART!!! I actually felt I was on a space ship... because all I can see were million dots of green and red. It was insane!
I got my lasik + custom vue in Beijing Intech Eye Hospital, and it cost me 8,500 RMB. It is fairly cheap! In Hong Kong, it will cost around 28,000 HKD. I am glad that I still can see tho... I have 1.2 for both eyes now. =) For those who are thinking about lasik... Think twice.
I got to wear protector after the surgery. That is my Ultraman look...

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween~~~

Disneyland is a land of fantasy.

Cica and I have never been there together so I decided to spend the Halloween there since it's a day worth going. We got there at 8:00pm because we were busy with work and stuff. I was soon disappointed because all the shows were over, but Cica was still in good spirit since all the rides were still operating. I guess she was just happy to be there with me because IT IS DISENY!!!"

We went rides after rides and soon after it become like a shopping streak. We lurked in the shop and bought two bags of souvenirs...

Before we entered the shop, I bought a big double layered Mickey balloon for Cica. You know... trying to do something special for my lovely wife. But let me tell ya, Disneyland shall get a name change to Pirate-land! The balloon is 50$ HKD!

We left at 11:30pm, but we will def be back soon! It is a land where all the worries disappear once you entered the gate.

my Halloween special effect... ok... ok... I will make effort next time. =P

Disneyland is a land of fantasy.

Cica and I have never been there together so I decided to spend the Halloween there since it's a day worth going. We got there at 8:00pm because we were busy with work and stuff. I was soon disappointed because all the shows were over, but Cica was still in good spirit since all the rides were still operating. I guess she was just happy to be there with me because IT IS DISENY!!!"

We went rides after rides and soon after it become like a shopping streak. We lurked in the shop and bought two bags of souvenirs...

Before we entered the shop, I bought a big double layered Mickey balloon for Cica. You know... trying to do something special for my lovely wife. But let me tell ya, Disneyland shall get a name change to Pirate-land! The balloon is 50$ HKD!

We left at 11:30pm, but we will def be back soon! It is a land where all the worries disappear once you entered the gate.

my Halloween special effect... ok... ok... I will make effort next time. =P

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Dragon fruit Promotion
Been busy with our dragon fruit promotion lately. Dragon fruit?!?!? I know... I know... it's probably one of the weirdest thing to promote with regard to its exotic touch. But that's what pays the bills. =]
We are handling flyers out in 15 locations across HK. People who are interested in the prizes will have to collect 12 stickers and mail it back with the slip that we distribute out. Today, 14 flyers came back to the mail box. They got me pretty excited. Yes... but only 14 flyers. Hopefull there will be couple of thousands coming in for the next few weeks.

We are handling flyers out in 15 locations across HK. People who are interested in the prizes will have to collect 12 stickers and mail it back with the slip that we distribute out. Today, 14 flyers came back to the mail box. They got me pretty excited. Yes... but only 14 flyers. Hopefull there will be couple of thousands coming in for the next few weeks.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

If you want a develop a hobby, you need to invest time
If you want a good living, you need to work hard
If you want a loving relationship, you gotta pour your heart
Being passionate about something often need sacrifices... But how much you are willing to give in? How much you are willing to sacrifice? When you are dreaming of becoming part of something great, would you leave all your responsibilities behind? Or they are just illusions to stop you to become who you wanna be?
There is no definite answer in life... do your best and you will become who you want to be at the end.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Bohol, Philippines - Diving Con't
OK, I think I got over excited on my first few postings, it is turing into an essay. Time to wrap it up. More pictures in my album which I will pose the link later. Before I go, two more pictures... just two more. =) dive dive, uhm... i meant bye bye.

underwater photography
Bohol, Philippines - Mt. Chocolate
CHOCOLATE HILLS! The world famous chocolate hills! You can only find it here in Bohol. It is an unusual geological formation which is composed of around 1,258 perfeclty cone shaped hills about the same size. During the try season, the grass dry up and turn brown, hence the name. Some people say it is formed by sub-oceanic vocalnism or lime stone weathering. Man... why make it so complicated, just think of them as super sized Hershey! Worhahaha. Believe it or not, some people claim this is the “8th wonder of the world”!

There are actually some tribe dressing up to put up some touristy shows, such as ... blowing a fire ball~ Are they really local tribe? We wondered! Maybe they will be heading to a club late at night and dacing to Black Eyed Peas. MY HUMP~ MY HUMP~ MY HUMPPP...

There are actually some tribe dressing up to put up some touristy shows, such as ... blowing a fire ball~ Are they really local tribe? We wondered! Maybe they will be heading to a club late at night and dacing to Black Eyed Peas. MY HUMP~ MY HUMP~ MY HUMPPP...

chocolate hill,
Bohol, Philippines - Crew & Stuff
The diVe HaRd group. This is our crew. Roy, Paul, Waigor, Raymond, Nelson are all very experienced divers. Their wives are all very nice, too. It was so much fun to have them sharing their diving stories. We have learnt A LOT!

STRANGE STUFF! In one of the dives, I spotted something so eye catching, it looks like it’s glowING in the deep blue sea. I finned towards it and it is this pinkish lotus like plantation sitting on a hard coral. It is so strange because I haven’t seen anything like this before. Another strange creature is nudibranch (sea slug) which is quite popular in the divers world. But, it is strange looking, PERIOD.

tiny STUFF! This is my first imperial shrimp image so it deserves to have a place HERE! (Thanks to Wai gor for coordinating the shrimp position) Moving onto land, we are here to see the smallest primate, the Philippines Tarsier! He is about the size of my palm. Looks like his eyes are popping out huh... I wonder if it has a large brain. Maybe his brain is too big causing too much pressure to his eyes.

STRANGE STUFF! In one of the dives, I spotted something so eye catching, it looks like it’s glowING in the deep blue sea. I finned towards it and it is this pinkish lotus like plantation sitting on a hard coral. It is so strange because I haven’t seen anything like this before. Another strange creature is nudibranch (sea slug) which is quite popular in the divers world. But, it is strange looking, PERIOD.

tiny STUFF! This is my first imperial shrimp image so it deserves to have a place HERE! (Thanks to Wai gor for coordinating the shrimp position) Moving onto land, we are here to see the smallest primate, the Philippines Tarsier! He is about the size of my palm. Looks like his eyes are popping out huh... I wonder if it has a large brain. Maybe his brain is too big causing too much pressure to his eyes.

imparial shrimp,
philippines tarsier,
sea slug,
underwater photography
Bohol, Philippines - Part II
Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to see some big guys, but other group said they saw two eagle rays flying around 20-30m during their dive. Darn... It’s OK tho, because I have encountered the biggest school of jet fish EVER! I think there must be around 10,000 of them or even more. You got to watch out tho! The water gets murky when you swim close... Yes... fish dumps flowing all around!!!

Another unusual visitor flied by my and the camera wasn’t quick enough to get started. I was only able to get his tail... This fella is not SMALL!

I did my first night dive in this trip. It was kinda cool to be in the water in complete darkness. In the beginning, everyone was kicking each other because we were in a big cluster and couldn’t see at all. I got a few kicks on my face and I kicked a few, Oooops... In a short while, we learned how to separate into two groups. It was extremely difficult to take pictures during night time since focus becomes an issue. At the end of the dive, we were filming a hermit crab with a spot light. It was pretty funny. I found it is better to take video than pictures during night dive.

Another unusual visitor flied by my and the camera wasn’t quick enough to get started. I was only able to get his tail... This fella is not SMALL!

I did my first night dive in this trip. It was kinda cool to be in the water in complete darkness. In the beginning, everyone was kicking each other because we were in a big cluster and couldn’t see at all. I got a few kicks on my face and I kicked a few, Oooops... In a short while, we learned how to separate into two groups. It was extremely difficult to take pictures during night time since focus becomes an issue. At the end of the dive, we were filming a hermit crab with a spot light. It was pretty funny. I found it is better to take video than pictures during night dive.

clown fish,
sea fan,
underwater photography
Bohol, Philippines - Part I
This is our second diving trip, Bohol! Let me introduce my dive buddy/wife/model/camera lady. She likes to stay around 30m zone which I have trouble to catch up with. Bow Down~ Bow Down~

This is the place to check out some of the most beautiful soft corals and sea fans. Other than that, a lot of clown fish. Maybe because there aren’t many big guys to be checked out so much attention was paid to the little ones.

Sea fans and soft corals are just beautiful in Bohol. It is incredible to see the richness of underwater life. They impressed me so much I took so many photos and here are a few.

This is the place to check out some of the most beautiful soft corals and sea fans. Other than that, a lot of clown fish. Maybe because there aren’t many big guys to be checked out so much attention was paid to the little ones.

Sea fans and soft corals are just beautiful in Bohol. It is incredible to see the richness of underwater life. They impressed me so much I took so many photos and here are a few.

clown fish,
sea fan,
underwater photography
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