Friday, October 30, 2009

Photos taken

Had a chance to take photos in Tony's upper deck. The session took about 2 hours. Shot it with a G10 canon. Picture quality is not the best, but we like the pictures. Well, I prove my point, you don't really need a good cam to take good picture. =)

P.S. you just need a good model. Ha... 

huh? guns? Hell YAH!

Was in Manila attending a friends wedding, and my friend is kind enough to pull his connection and host us in a shooting range just within busy city of Manila. This is really dope. I have fired revolvers and other small piece before with blanks. But this time... I am lucky to play around all these heavy stuff. Dope!
Lazer beam unit attach under the hand gun. Just like the movie. dang~
The freaking M16 is awesome!!! Balance, accurate and freaking solid. 
GOD! shutgun is my all time favorite. It's blast after blast. I feel how Arnold feel like just that I can't reload like him!
My friend is crazy, he has all the toys I have dreamed of. Uzzi, MP5, M16, shutgun... He has like 3 M16 with different modification! Sweetah...
This is an ultimate experience I had with guns. Booya!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Trip to Persimmon Kingdom - Jinhae

To complete one of my sourcing goal, it was my mission to visit the production area for Korean Persimmon. I took a plane to Seoul and transit to Pusan. The next morning, I visited the pack house in Jinhae, which is about 2 hours drive from Pusan.
Buckets of persimmons are being packed. The operation is a rather small one, they only have 5 ladies packing the fruits, plus another 5 for boxing, QC, and stuffing. All these fruits are for me and the fruits are being checked randomly with my presence. 
Since the season just started, we are only loading 1 x 20ft. And this is the truck waiting outside. 
Later, we went to the growing area. It was my first time to see persimmons on trees. It was quite cute because the hill has persimmons growing everywhere. It is pretty hard to tell on this picture because it is too small. But literally, there were orange dots everywhere on this hill. 
It is a joke that I have never really eaten persimmons in my life considering I have been in fruit business for 10 years. LOL... Since I am in the land of persimmon, the fruit taste fantastic. It taste like a blend of apples and pears with sweet honey taste. The host kept on feeding me persimmons, and I think I have like 4 big ones in the entire afternoon. 
This is Mr. Kim, my exporter. He is the same age as my dad and is my dad's old friend. This trip was valuable for both of us because it was his first time to visit the pack house in years, and my first time. We also met people from the government export department as well as the chairman of growers association. It was a eye opener for me to see how Korean conduct business. Everyone was very formal, warm and polite. I had a great time here in Jinhae!

SWFC - Shanghai World Finance Center

I have been in Shanghai several times, but only for short meetings. This time, I had a chance to tour the city a bit. 
Of course, SWFC is the place one can't miss. As one of the world top city, Shanghai has a world class sky scraper - SWFC. This building is 492m and has over 101 floors. 
The entrance is -10m underground.
When you go in, there is a SWFC model with cute Japanese comic looking models hanging around. It has the same touch of the Japan Roppongi hill landmark, which I visited few years back. The tour guide then explained that the project architect & engineer is the same as the Roppongi hill. No wonder the resemblance. 
Submerge into the dark, the elevator sits in a dark room with huge LED display on the ceiling. The numbers shows elevator's altitude at by meters. 

I think Taipei 101 is still the tallest... 
There are see through glasses at the floor, so you can have a partial bird view of Pudong traffic. 
This is the 101 floor. I love how they utilize the reflecting materials. Makes the place looks very spacy. 
Somehow, Pudong night scape reminds me of Madison Square park in NYC. 
I am quite impressed with how Shanghai has developed. Pudong is still under construction for the world EXPO. It will be interesting to see the change 5 years down the road. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

DOE 2009/10/15 - 2009/1/15

第一個DOE完畢了。沒有完成的是,健身,攝影,潛水,還有沒有為公司賺進50萬。沒有做到心里滿不開心,因為比如說攝影或潛水,如果自己再多計畫一下就可以實現了。健身...根本就忘了有這個DOE,該死的,真的太懶了。賺進50萬?有時候DOE碰到大環境的因素,會被打的亂七八糟。畢竟水果的市場是一個未知,無法預測。今年的環境很差,中秋節奇怪的讓大家全部虧本。我已經算幸運的那個,賺了15萬。那如何才能更穩定的預測公司的獲利,不會大起大落呢?我想要去培養一些新的關係,直接跟超市搭好橋梁,把中間商全部踢掉,將量做大,並尋求建立品牌的方針。至於做到的DOE,心里很開心,感覺完成了自己的小小夢想。比如說帶媽媽到北京玩,甚至是學暗房的操作。對我的生活注進了許多新的體驗!so what's next?

- 跟老婆一起去做一件有意義的事情。

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Chinese wisdom


回想在澳門的這兩天,令人開了開眼界。雖然跟阿波和老闆出來過好多次了,但是這次才真正的感覺到這群人獨特的地方,縱使他們老說些我聽的很吃力的賭博主題,我卻漸漸明白為甚麼有些人注定能夠成功。他們身上那種精明的特質,腦中飛快的算盤,令我佩服的五體投地。或許做生意的精髓就在他們平時的一字一句中就已經吐露出來。原來中國人的智慧是在賭桌上開發出來的... 呵呵

so I understand... the greatest gift that I have

剛剛從澳門回來,搭著晚上10點的turbo jet,船上寥寥無幾的乘客,顯得格外的冷清。看著烏漆媽黑的窗外,抱著Crumpler的包,聽著iphone的音樂,心情就這樣寂寞了起來。回想著最近跟爸爸發生的一些事,我覺得我好像又長大了些。人無完人,我並不期盼我身邊的人完美,因為我自己也並非完美。我相信每個人都有進步的空間,也都deserve第二次機會。但是有些事情是有底限的,如果讓錯縱容,那就沒有對自己負上責任。立場的闡明需要勇氣,縱使是自己身邊最親近的人,因為他們很多時候會把事情當作是理所當然。



謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是背信... 因此我才懂得甚麼是信用,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是現實... 因此我才懂得甚麼是溫情,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是索取... 因此我才懂得甚麼是付出,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是冷漠... 因此我才懂得甚麼是關懷,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是虛假... 因此我才懂得甚麼是真誠,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是失去... 因此我才懂得甚麼是珍惜,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是背叛... 因此我才懂得甚麼是寬恕,

謝謝你們讓我知道甚麼是怨恨... 因此我才懂的甚麼是相愛,


