Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Daft Punk Alive 2007

Daft Punk Alive 2007 is the best CD in 2007! They ROCK, they ROCK they ROCK! ROCK ROBOT ROCK~ 原來他們的 Live 是如此的 sick! Frigging sick mixing and performance! Can someone bring them to Asia? I would DEF fly down there and ROCK with them.

Daft Punk held world tour in US, Australia, France... and left out Asia. Their signature stage is decked up like a pyramid shooting out lights, laser and rocking music. Its was truly amazing.

Daft Punk is now the official sickest duo in my DJ ranking. They triumph not only in music but also concepts and total looks! They should really start marketing their LED Helmets! Darn! They will make a killing. What…? They have copy right on the helmets? Screw that shit… I am in China!

Wanna see how the helmet works? Here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyBHb3gfr2Q

2008 New Year full moon party in Koh Phangan

With the two attempts in the past two years, we have failed to attend this infamous full moon party in Koh Phangan. But, 事不過三, this time, we finally made it. It takes about 30 minutes by speedboat to get to Koh Phangan and its 過程其實滿危險的,因為浪很大而且上百人不要命的在岸邊擠上船. We safely made it anyhow. There is a good 10 minutes walk from where you get off and to the actual party, which is on the other side of the island. On the way, all the stands are selling booze in a bucket where music gets louder and louder. The party is BIG! And the vibe is unexpected western. I think at least 70% are from Europe and Aussie. It was quite international. The weather was nice and music was pumping. It is quite a scene. There was a good D&B hall with a MC from London and he was rocking the whole night. That is where we spent most of our time!

The party was C A R Z Y! People are either too high or too drunk in this party. Some dumb doods were walking around holding sharks in their hands, which they bought in the seafood restaurant. People were dancing with fire.

Fists were flying around in every clubs. The power went short on us for a few time and we got hit by a storm at 5 in the morning. It last about 45 minutes and we decided its time for us to leave. Heading back is another hassle. We didn’t get back to our hotel until 8am. Darn… me getting too old for this shit.

People have to jump off the dock in order to get on the speedboat on the way back... Yah... serious... I am getting too old for this shit...
Happy 1st Anniversary
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